Sports Equipment & Infrastructure Blog | Sport Systems - Building A Better Game

Cornwall, Ontario: A City Embracing the Great Outdoors

Written by Ryan Wilby | Dec 28, 2021 4:00:00 PM

Today, many cities are facing increased population density leading to more congestion, decreased air quality, water contamination and inadequate garbage management. Those seeking better access to cleaner and healthier living and available green space are moving out of dense urban centres. While historically regarded as an “industrial city” (Bowering), Cornwall, Ontario, has made notable efforts towards improved stewardship of public green space.

According to the City of Cornwall’s official website, their mission is to, “[provide] relevant and inclusive municipal services and programs in partnership with [their] community” (“About
Cornwall”). As part of the services provided by the city of Cornwall, there are several well-maintained parks. With more than 40 green spaces open to the public (“We Have the Sporting Life!”), the city offers activities that range from rotary outdoor gyms to splash pads (“Lamoureux Park”). In addition to the many unique experiences offered at several locations, many parks also
accommodate more traditional park activities.

Recently, Sports Systems was invited by the city to manufacture and install three bleachers for three separate locations. Eager to help encourage a love for sports in the community, our team provided our popular 5-row bleachers with added rear guardrail safety systems. When the winter season comes to a close, these bleachers will begin to accommodate spectators for years to come. We are excited to see the continued development and growth of the parks and recreation services for Cornwall, and hope to work with them again in the future.

Works Cited

“About Cornwall.” Cornwall,

Bowering, Ian. “1784 And On – A Brief Look at Cornwall’s History.” Choose Cornwall,

“Lamoureux Park.” Cornwall,

“We Have the Sporting Life!” Choose Cornwall,