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Gym Divider Curtain for the Abbotsford Recreation Centre

Written by Ryan Wilby | Mar 13, 2018 8:00:00 AM


Following the Fraser River downstream of the Fraser Canyon, you will find the picturesque Fraser Valley of southwestern British Columbia. The fertile soil of the area accounts for over half of the province’s annual agricultural revenue and stretches into the metropolis of the great city of Vancouver.

It is here where one of our most recent projects landed us, more specifically, in the City of Abbotsford. As the largest municipality of the Fraser Valley, the city retains a good portion of its residents to work locally, rather than commute to nearby Vancouver. This among other reasons is perhaps why the Conference Board of Canada has identified Abbotsford’s economy as one of the most diverse in Canada.

As part of some recent upgrades, our team was contacted by the City of Abbotsford to help improve the design and space allotment for a local gymnasium. The project was slated to take place at the Abbotsford Recreation Centre (ARC) – a local recreation complex serving residents of the community for a number of years.

In addition to the two gymnasiums, the facility boasts an Olympic-sized skating rink, a leisure skating pond, a 25-metre pool, a 10,000 sq.ft. fitness centre and a variety of other services and facilities.

As the need for additional programing continued to rise, stakeholders at the municipal level began evaluating options that would allow them to create additional space to better serve the growing community.

Given the size of the gymnasium, the process began with strategically breaking up the space for additional programs. Once a general design was settled upon, our team was brought in to complete the process with our expertise.

In order to break up the gymnasium (or any large space), our gym divider curtains provide the perfect solution. With a variety of different configurations available, our experienced team can make valuable suggestions that allow the division of gymnasiums while maintaining a certain level of aesthetic design.

The ARC selected our top-roll gym divider curtains, each custom-designed to fit the current space. Today, these versatile curtains allow operators to plan for both exclusive and gym-sharing activities.