Tip and Roll Bleachers a Perfect Fit for École Marie-Gaétanne High School

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Jun 6, 2018 5:57:49 AM


    When it comes to planning seating in a gymnasium, available space is the first question that is asked in the process. While most schools and other facilities would love to pack the sidelines of any volleyball or basketball game with cheering fans, it often boils down to what exactly the gymnasium in question can handle.

    While many gymnasiums are relatively similar in nature, there are those that are outside of the typical (84’ long and 50’ wide) gymnasium sizes. For those that are larger in nature, larger telescopic bleacher seating is the typical solution. For those that are smaller than standard gymnasiums, however, are met with a few additional challenges. When planning seating structures with limited space, it can become challenging, despite the highly-customizable capabilities our products have.

    Another option for gymnasiums is the purchase of tip and roll bleacher systems. Just as their name suggests, these bleachers are easily tipped up in a vertical fashion and can be rolled in and out of storage areas where and when needed, without the permanent installation that comes with a traditional retractable seating solution.

    Such was the case with one of our more recent projects located in beautiful New Brunswick on Canada’s east coast.

    Working closely with our partners at Interior Visions, we were enlisted to help École Marie-Gaétanne High School solve a seating problem for their gymnasium. Slightly smaller in size than most, the school wanted a space-saving solution that would allow for seating on an as-needed basis.


    Instead of opting for a complete telescopic system that would have to be permanently installed, they instead opted for four sets of our tip and roll bleachers. As part of a recent renovation at the school, our partners were directly involved in the process and were on-site to provide assembly and installation for the school.

    Today, the school’s seating can be rolled in and out of the gymnasium and storage areas and serves the institution’s growing student body.



    Topics: Bleachers


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