Folding Partition Replacement for W.O. Mitchell Elementary

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Jul 1, 2024 6:20:40 AM


    One of the most common upgrades we perform in school gymnasiums is the removal and replacement of outdated folding partitions. These large and clunky structures were once used to separate gymnasiums, but were ultimately found to be potentially hazardous causing a number of unfortunate accidents, including severe injury and even death. So when their functionality begins to look compromised, most operators are quick to look for a replacement.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    A New Motorized Gym Divider Curtain for Glen Cairn Public School

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Nov 28, 2023 10:27:37 AM


    Located on the western edges of the City of Ottawa, the small community of Glen Cairn was established back in the 1960s and served as a warm and welcoming community for young families. As such, one of the earlier developments within the community was establishing an elementary school as part of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board.

    While a lot certainly has passed since the school was built, much of the facilities have been upgraded over the years. As part of this on-going routine of ensuring all equipment and fixtures are up to date, we were contacted to help design and install a new divider inside the school’s gymnasium. 

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    A Gym Divider Curtain in a Cafeteria? Oh Yes We Did!

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Sep 11, 2023 4:00:00 AM


    One of our greatest assets as a company  is our ability to tackle incredibly complex and custom jobs. Our flexibility and ingenuity allows us to take on  a massive grandstand seating project, a netting barrier for a unique sports field or in this case, a gym divider curtain installed inside a cafeteria.

    Of all the places we have installed a curtain in the past, which include gymnasiums with unique ceiling structures, size constraints or ones with stages, this is the first we have designed and installed for use inside a cafeteria.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains, Custom Solutions

    The Branding Opportunity Your Gymnasium Presents

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Mar 29, 2023 4:00:00 AM


    Depending on who you ask, some may tell you that the gymnasium inside an academic institution is the heart of the building. As it is often located centrally inside a building, it naturally and easily exists as the location where gatherings take place.

    In addition to assemblies and other events, gymnasiums are the hub for indoor sports, attracting spectators not only from within the school but those from outside as well, such as friends and family.

    As athletic programming continues to ramp up across Canada and the United States, these institutions are doing everything they can to remain relevant with regards to the programs they offer, as well as with the equipment located inside their gymnasiums.

    As with any high traffic area, the opportunity to more actively brand your organization or team is highly beneficial in the gymnasium of a highly spirited school.  With many of the walls already adorned with banners and ribbons from years gone by, today’s institutions are starting from the ground up when it comes to branding their beloved schools.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains, Bleachers, Gymnasium

    Continuing Community Support: The Nick Smith Centre Receives New Gym Divider Curtains

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Apr 19, 2022 2:21:59 PM

    Arnprior_Blog Banner 1-01

    Over the years, the advances in technology and communications in an increasingly globalized world have allowed networks and communities to be created, despite the geographical distances that might physically separate us. Today’s technology has eliminated the need for in-person interactions, widening the scope for interconnectedness outside one’s community, and even within it. Although technology can facilitate ways to find others with shared interests and values, the lack of face-to-face interaction can cause many to feel disconnected within their own communities. Appreciating the advantages technology can provide, the Town of Arnprior also understands the importance of in-person interaction amongst its residents. As Arnprior’s recreational hub, the Nick Smith Centre has proven to be an extremely important resource for its community.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    Sport Systems Teams Up with LaPlante Builders Ltd to Provide New Gym Divider Curtains

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Mar 29, 2022 11:00:00 AM

    Sainte Anne St George Combo Banner-01

    Diverse societies can help us grow in our world perspective and offer us new insight and experiences. We can use these opportunities to grow and diversify, creating inclusive and cooperative communities. Similarly, finding common ground with related interests and objectives
    can create successful business partnerships and foster valuable progress and development in
    our communities. This joining of forces with common objectives and skillsets to create something meaningful for two different communities was demonstrated with Sport Systems’ experience in collaborating with LaPlante Builders Ltd.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    BGC Durham Receives New Divider Curtains

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Mar 2, 2022 9:46:38 AM

    BGC Durham Banner 1-01

    While every child and teen is unique, they share the same need for proper physical, emotional, and intellectual development. Furthermore, they need access to the resources that can help encourage these different areas of growth. When built upon a strong foundation, the unique personalities and talents of each child and teen are then able to flourish. Valuing the unique contributions that the youngest generation has to offer society, BGC Durham is committed to equipping students with the resources needed to develop critical life skills. Located in Oshawa, Ontario, BGC Durham has been making a difference in its community since the early 1960s (“History”). The benefits that BGC Durham’s programs offer are invaluable, helping to fulfill a variety of needs through its alignment with the standards of the HIGH FIVE organization. As a result of this, the curriculums and programs that BGC Durham offers emphasize the importance of “a caring leader,” “friends,” “participation,” “play,” and “mastery” (“HIGH FIVE”). Regardless of what type of work a graduating high school student chooses to pursue, the skills that they develop at BGC Durham are applicable in any environment.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    Landmark Strength Receives New Motorized Centre-Drive Curtains

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Feb 15, 2022 12:24:36 PM

    Landmark Strength 2-01For most, maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes increasingly difficult with age. For school-aged children and teens, gym-class participation is enforced and competitive sports are highly encouraged. However, the transition from youth to adulthood is often accompanied by increased
    responsibility, a decreased amount of free time, and less accountability surrounding one’s fitness. Addressing the need for accountability and instruction, Landmark Strength has capitalized on the increasing popularity of CrossFit programs.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    A New Divider Curtain for the Fieldhouse Pirates Baseball Club

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Dec 22, 2020 3:38:00 AM


    Located in Burlington, the Fieldhouse Pirates Baseball Club is one of Canada’s premiere baseball development programs. Offering year-round access to developmental and training programs for players from between 10 years of age and 18 years of age, the program is based in a state-of-the-art facility used specifically to groom players headed for the US collegiate ranks.

    Headed up by a number of experienced coaches, the indoor facility gives players an outdoor feel for the game throughout the year.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    A Double Gym Divider Curtain Upgrade for École secondaire Jean-Du-Nord

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Sep 9, 2020 5:07:31 AM


    Although operating during a time where travel has been drastically reduced, we were pleased that one of our recent projects took us through the beautiful Canadian province of Québec. Heading east of our headquarters, we travelled to beautiful Sept-Îles, which as its name would suggest, is made up of seven main islands in the Gulf of the Saint Lawrence River.

    As one of the only locales in the region with a paved connection to the remainder of the province’s road network, the town is also home to a number of major iron companies. Sept-Îles has produced a number of NHL players including the great Guy Charbonneau and is the subject of the popular Gordon Lightfoot song “Seven Island Suite”.

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