A New Gym Divider Curtain for Overbrook Community Centre

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Sep 2, 2024 6:13:00 AM


    While going through some major renovations, the City of Ottawa contacted us to help put the finishing touches on the new and improved Overbrook Community Centre. Located just south of Ottawa’s downtown core, the community centre recently went through some upgrades that included environmental design features with the purpose of creating a healthier indoor environment for all users.

    As part of some of the upgrades slated for the indoor gymnasium, the City reached out to our team to help safely divide the gymnasium to increase athletic programming at this hub for community fitness and sport.

    Our Senior Technical Advisor was sent out to the site to take a detailed look at the space and evaluate possible options for a prospective gym divider curtain. Powered by motors, these dividers work in a matter of minutes to safely separate spaces such as gymnasiums to allow for two separate programs to run simultaneously in a shared space.

    Following some detailed measurements and other site assessments, our design team was able to produce a quote for the stakeholders at the city to evaluate. While the original concept was perfect in their eyes, they inquired about the possibility of having a logo proudly displayed on the vinyl portion of the new curtain.

    Recognizing the power of branding in sports, we quickly mocked up a design with the Overbrook logo that was met with immediate support once delivered to the client for approval. The client then selected the colours for both the mesh and the vinyl portions of the curtain and it was officially off to production.

    Following the manufacturing process, the curtain was shipped directly to the community centre and met by our installation team. There, the team used scissor lifts along with ample floor protection to safely install the new curtain.  Within a couple of days, the new curtain was fully functional and is now an important part of the programming at this community hub in the City of Ottawa.

    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains


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