Bleacher Upgrades for the City of Oshawa’s Terry Kelly Field

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Oct 2, 2023 4:22:58 PM


    One of our recent projects brought us to the City of Oshawa where our attention was turned to one of the city’s most popular recreation complexes. The Civic Recreation Complex was the brainchild of Terry Kelly, a man who enjoyed local sports so much as a young immigrant from Hungary, that he spent much of his younger years fundraising and raising awareness for local athletic programming.

    In 2014, the complex was named in his honor, more specifically Terry Kelly Field. Set to host upwards of 2,000 spectators, the field was the pinnacle of the recreation complex and local sports. As time has marched on, the elements had begun to wear down certain areas of the concrete grandstand and seating. The bench seating that was originally installed was now beginning to dip and sag and while facility managers made some temporary fixes along the way, it was time to work with a bleacher expert to solve the issues once and for all.

    Our team headed down to have an in-person site visit and assess the damage and condition of the grandstand. We found that in addition to new plank seating, there was going to be some significant concrete repair work required to get this stadium back to its glory.

    We brought in our experienced partners at Birchcliff Construction to have a look at the concrete and help us with the final installation of our aluminum planking, custom brackets and necessary hardware.

    The final product was a completely custom seat bracket that would allow our extruded aluminum seat planks to be attached to the concrete risers from the original grandstand design.

    The end result is a maintenance free seating solution that will last for many more events at the field and do right by the field’s namesake for many more years to come.

    Topics: Bleachers, Grandstand Seating