Get in the Game and Out of Harm’s Way

    Posted by Jeff Hurrle

    Dec 31, 2013 12:25:00 PM


    The best part about seeing a live sporting event is feeling like you are a part of the action, in the middle of every play.  While being in the trajectory of a puck or a pop fly can be thrilling, sustaining an injury as a spectator is not.  Millions of people attend live sporting events each year, eager to be close to the action - and the danger.

    In the NHL, stray hockey pucks injure spectators at a rate of nearly one per game, with some fans requiring urgent medical attention.  At baseball games, catching a foul ball is an opportunity for a free souvenir and a few glorious seconds on the Jumbotron.  But when uncaught, these projectile baseballs can cause serious injury as well.

    While there is a certain assumed risk and responsibility for sports fans sitting by the field, rink, or court, liability to the venue is always a concern.  Watch out for your fans as well as yourself by installing safety netting in your sports facility from Sport Systems.

    Permanent Netting

    Complete with netting, poles, and hardware, Sport Systems offers permanent outdoor backstop systems for a wide range of sports.  Built for easy installation and durability, these nets are tested to withstand 80 mph winds and fastballs.  With design options for soccer, golf, and even lacrosse and field hockey, Keep the ball in play and out of the stands - permanently!

    Portable Netting

    Perfect for the multi-purpose outdoor facility, these fully portable nets are great for any field sport.  The netting’s UV treatment ensures maximum outdoor durability.  With 16 heavy-duty anchor bags included, this portable backstop netting system is convenient as well as secure.  

    Sports & Containment Netting CTA

    Topics: Golf Netting, Sports Netting, Netting Barriers