Gymnasium Floor Covers - Maintaining Your Investment

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Jan 29, 2014 12:16:00 PM

    floor_coversWhen we think gymnasium flooring, we immediately think basketball, volleyball, badminton and other sports played in indoor gymnasiums. The fact of the matter is, the gym floor in your institution is often used for so much more.

    Today, gymnasiums have transformed into multi-use rooms, hosting sporting events, pep rallies, assemblies, dances, drama productions and more. The unfortunate reality is these non-sporting events are much harder on your gymnasium flooring than the day-to-day sporting activities typically housed in gymnasiums.

    While traditional traffic from sports like basketball and volleyball indeed adds wear and tear to your gym floor surface, additional damage is done when the gymnasium is used for other events. The dragging of chairs, tables and other furniture combined with increased traffic of patrons without clean footwear, lead to unnecessary deterioration of your gymnasium floor surface.

    What You Can Do To Protect You Gym Flooring

    There are a variety of ways to maintain your gym floor for many years to come. A water-based or oil-modified coating program can help to maintain your floor’s finish. The same is true with regular maintenance procedures like entrance matting and consistent dust mopping.

    A protective gym floor cover, however, is the sure-fire way to protect your gymnasium floor and keep it out of harm’s way while hosting other events inside your gymnasium.

    How Gym Floor Covers Help

    The savings associated with owning a gymnasium floor cover from Sport Systems are twofold: Not only do our covers act as a great first line of defense against spills, scuffing, added foot traffic and the movement of chairs, equipment and furniture, having your floor protected also requires less maintenance and extends the interval between scheduled refinishing and maintenance shutdowns. Extending the life of your gym floor while maximizing its usage are how we save you money in the long run.

    Experienced facility managers now find themselves catering to a multitude of different users. Adding a protective gym floor cover to your facility can help increase your revenue, while decreasing the facility’s usual maintenance expenditures.

    Gym Floor Cover eBook


    Gym Floor Covers Informational Video

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