Making Your Gymnasium Work for You

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Jun 25, 2019 5:34:25 AM


    When it comes to your school or local gymnasium, much of the activities that take place on the court are athletic in nature and make up the majority of the time and energy spent in the space. For many facility managers and operators out there, getting bogged down in the day-to-day can sometimes get in the way of ensuring that these types of athletic spaces are working for us as well.

    The fact is, your gymnasium should also serve your facility, be it a school or community centre, as an additional source of revenue. While this is common sense to many, there are a number of ways you might not have thought of that can contribute to your operation’s bottom line.

    Scorer’s Tables

    These crafty tables are an amazing way to keep score, track possessions and time-outs, and can offer an easy revenue generation model as well. Equipped with large screens, operators have the choice of adding branding elements such as team colours and logos. Operators can also opt to include advertisements and campaigns from local businesses who might be looking for additional exposure for a small fee.


    Gym Divider Curtains

    These innovative pieces of equipment can be amazing for community or privately operated (gymnasiums that are looking to expand programming. By safely separating the available space, these curtains allow operators to instantly double their available programming capacity.

    Gym Floor Covers

    This is one of the most obvious items that can not only save your facility money but also increase payable. Firstly, these heavy-duty vinyl covers are deployed across gym-flooring surfaces during non-athletic programming to protect the massive investment of a gymnasium floor.

    Using our gym floor covers allows facility operators the ability to accommodate additional community and non-athletic events, expanding their offerings and padding their bottom lines.


    Topics: Gymnasium Floor Covers, Gym Divider Curtains