New Press Box & Grandstand Bleachers for Juniata High School in Pennsylvania

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Nov 14, 2017 4:00:00 AM


    Located smack dab in the middle of the Keystone State is Juniata County and home to Juniata High School. Serving as home to the Indians, the school’s athletic programming is handled by Athletic Director Joe Skura and includes teams representing the school in cheerleading, baseball, basketball, soccer, football, tennis, track and field, wrestling and more.

    Working with our partners at School Installers of Pennsylvania (SIPA), this exciting project was presented to us for evaluation. Given SIPA’s affiliation with the Co-Stars Purchasing Plan in Pennsylvania, SIPA was involved from an early stage in the development of this project.

    We became involved in the process after numerous site visits and safety evaluations indicated that the existing grandstands located at Juniata High School were no longer compliant with ADA accessibility requirements nor did they meet any local egress requirements for outdoor spectator seating.

    As such, key stakeholders from the school, SIPA and our organization began the planning process that would see the demolition and removal of the existing seating structures with new, elevated grandstands and a press box taking their place.


    Working around challenges such as an existing light standard that could not be moved, our design team and the team on the ground at SIPA were able to communicate effectively throughout the whole project and design a seamless solution.

    Today, the school’s football team is handsomely adorned with two new sets of grandstand seating featuring room for 2,000 on the home grandstand and space for up to 800 on the visitor’s side.

    The bleachers were completed ahead of the kickoff of this year’s Indians football season and just like every year before, the fans were packed in under those quintessential Friday night lights.


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    Topics: Bleachers, Press Boxes, Grandstand Seating