Platinum 10-Row Bleachers for the City of Sarnia

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Jan 29, 2025 7:28:32 AM


    Nestled along the shores of Lake Huron lies the city of Sarnia. Long known as the largest city along the great lake, it also serves as a hub for trade and its burgeoning petroleum industry. Aside from the trade industry, the area has blossomed into a family-oriented community and is home to a number of beautiful parks and recreation areas.

    As part of a recent project, we were brought on board to help the city with some upgrades to Norm Perry Park, closely situated to the city’s bustling port. Looking to equip this popular park with some new barrier-free seating, the city came to us in search of a fully-accessible and code-compliant bleacher option for the park.

    After gathering all of the specifications from key stakeholders, our design team got to work designing the perfect seating solution for their unique needs. We presented our ever-popular Platinum Model 10-Row Bleachers in a 75’ length that would include barrier-free seating areas. With the ability to safely seat 425 spectators, this size of bleacher, paired with Platinum-level enhancements such as aisles and handrails, is quickly becoming a crowd favorite across North America.

    In addition to the 10-row bleacher, we also proposed and designed a smaller 5-row, 27 foot Platinum model for the city as well. This smaller bleacher was also equipped with adequate barrier-free seating and wheelchair access for four spectators and a net seating capacity of 66 seats.


    After presenting the city with these two options, they were promptly approved by the customer and we got rolling on the manufacturing process shortly thereafter. While we were busy manufacturing the new bleachers, the City of Sarnia got to work pouring the necessary concrete pads that would be required to build the bleachers upon.

    Once we got the green light from key stakeholders, our installation team loaded up and headed towards Lake Huron with the new bleacher systems in tow. Our team arrived and quickly got to work installing the new barrier-free bleachers - as the photos show - just ahead of the coming snow.

    Topics: Bleachers, Accessibility