Ryan Wilby

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    New Telescopic Bleachers for Campbellford High School

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Sep 29, 2020 6:15:18 AM


     Known for its vast farmlands and access to water, Campbellford, Ontario is also often regarded as the midway point between the provincial capital of Toronto and the national capital of Ottawa.

    While perhaps small in comparison to the above-named cities, Campbellford is home to a number of notable businesses including Church-Key Brewing Company, Biommer Chocolate Company, the Dart Container Corporation (foam cups anyone?), one of the regions last remaining rural cheese factories, as well as the home to the highly specialized wooden boat builder, Clarion Boats.

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    Topics: Bleachers

    New Visitor Bleachers for the Platteview High School in Nebraska

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Sep 22, 2020 5:41:00 AM


    Located just south of Omaha, Nebraska lies the small town of Springfield and the home of the Platteview Trojans. Home to over 400 students, Platteview High School has been serving its community with a peaceful and top-notch educational experience since its inception.

    In addition to a strong academic foundation, the school is extremely athletically focused, demonstrating their belief that participation in sports widens the educational experience, making it all more rewarding and enjoyable.

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    Topics: Bleachers, Grandstand Seating

    GameDay GraFX Logos for Tillman Middle School

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Sep 15, 2020 5:53:20 AM


    In the summer of 2019, it was officially announced that the Blasz Elementary School in Phoenix, Arizona would be replaced by a new school honouring a true American Hero.

    Patrick Tillman, an American professional football player, left his lucrative athletic career in June 2002 following the September 11th terrorist attacks and enlisted in the United States Army along with his brother Kevin.

    Following an initial deployment to Iraq, both Patrick and Kevin entered Ranger School and graduated in the fall of 2003. Patrick was redeployed and in April of 2004, tragically was reported to have been killed by friendly fire.

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    Topics: Bleachers

    A Double Gym Divider Curtain Upgrade for École secondaire Jean-Du-Nord

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Sep 9, 2020 5:07:31 AM


    Although operating during a time where travel has been drastically reduced, we were pleased that one of our recent projects took us through the beautiful Canadian province of Québec. Heading east of our headquarters, we travelled to beautiful Sept-Îles, which as its name would suggest, is made up of seven main islands in the Gulf of the Saint Lawrence River.

    As one of the only locales in the region with a paved connection to the remainder of the province’s road network, the town is also home to a number of major iron companies. Sept-Îles has produced a number of NHL players including the great Guy Charbonneau and is the subject of the popular Gordon Lightfoot song “Seven Island Suite”.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    How the Resilient Communities Fund is Helping Ontario Non-Profits Get Back on Track

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Sep 3, 2020 3:45:00 AM


    With the goal of medium to long-term recovery efforts, the Ontario Trillium Foundation has created a one-time fund to support the non-profit sector in the province of Ontario. With the focus of providing recovery funding for those hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic, the program was built to provide proper funding for these organizations to both recover and rebuild from the catastrophic impact of the global pandemic.

    As an agency of the province, the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is one of Canada’s leading granting foundations, awarding $108 million worth of funding in 2019 alone. With an investment strategy that is founded on building stronger and more connected communities, the OTF has been investing in the province for over 30 years.

    The Resilient Communities Fund aims to provide flexible financing spread over two separate deadlines, allowing for ample time to address the needs of each applying organization and support them where they need it most.

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    COVID-19 & Preparation for the 2020-21 School Year 

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Aug 27, 2020 2:53:00 AM


    As anyone can reasonably expect, there has been a lot of talk about the 2020-21 school year and athletic programming. While few know how this year will shape up, there are plans currently being put in place in states and provinces across North America to ensure a safe return to school.

    With the outbreak of COVID-19 earlier this year, schools and countless numbers of businesses were instantly shuttered in the interest of public safety. Following these abrupt closures came a lot of questions, not only about how students would complete the school year, but what this could potentially mean for next year’s students.

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    Topics: Gymnasium Floor Covers

    Our Innovative Approach to Custom Fabrication

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Aug 25, 2020 3:30:00 AM


    One of the many fortunate by-products of building a world-class team around a business idea is the undeniable opportunities an organization can realize through determination and hard work. Having started out as a father and son business back in the 1970s, we began with a dream that still holds true today; to be a value-focused organization with an eye on the future.

    Those values include operating with character and integrity, serving our clients to the very best of our ability and providing the very best products to our ever-expanding customer base.

    As we grew from our infancy as a basketball hoop manufacturer into what we are today, we have been fortunate to have added an array of talent to surround ourselves with. From our award-winning sales department to our engineers to our welders and fabricators, we have set our sights on Building A Better Game in everything we do.

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    New Custom Vendor Kiosks for the Downtown Kingston Business Improvement Area

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Aug 20, 2020 7:26:46 AM


    While we tend to specialize in the sports and athletic field, we have become much more of a versatile business over the years. Continuing to proudly service the athletic space, we have also become highly sought after as a field custom fabricator for many of our existing customers and for new ones too.

    With decades of experience under our belts and a recently expanded design and fabrication facility, these custom opportunities came to us as a by-product of our years of hard work and constant innovation. With our humble beginnings firmly rooted in the manufacture of basketball hoops, we have evolved into providing large-scale seating structures such as grandstands, or just about anything our customers can dream up.

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    New Retractable Bleachers for the Anselmo-Merna Public School

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Aug 13, 2020 2:30:00 AM


    Back in the American Mid-West, we were delighted to have been involved in yet another project with our esteemed partners at Crouch Recreation. A family-owned business located in Omaha, Nebraska, Crouch Recreation is committed to providing safe, sustainable and high-quality, durable products to their community and surrounding areas.

    Having worked with Eric Crouch and his team on a number of prior occasions, we were once again brought in to help their team with an upcoming opportunity. Working closely with Dr. Logan Lightfoot, superintendent of the Anselmo-Merna Public School, the team at Crouch was tasked with providing a solution to replacing some outdated wooden bleachers in the school’s gymnasium.

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    Topics: Bleachers

    How to Choose the Best System for Your Outdoor Basketball Court

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Aug 11, 2020 6:00:00 AM


    Choosing the right outdoor basketball wall mount system to suit your needs is paramount to successfully equipping your court, whether for a school yard, community centre, or otherwise. However, with such a wide range of hoops to choose from, it can become overwhelming. Here, we will offer a few tips on what you should consider before making a purchase.

    For starters, there are 3 main designs to choose from, including the Wall-Mount, In-Ground, and Portable systems. While all three types serve a purpose, the  wall-mount system is superior when it comes to stability and durability and is ideal for smaller basketball court areas.

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    Topics: Basketball Equipment

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