Key Elements of Inclusive, Safe and Calming Padded Spaces

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Oct 24, 2019 4:45:26 AM


    As our awareness of mental health continues to expand so too does the need for properly planned and inclusive spaces. These spaces are highly customized in design and often feature unique elements created with the end user or users in mind.

    Today, these padded spaces are used in a number of different applications ranging from healthcare facilities and educational facilities such as schools, to a variety of mental health institutions.

    With the rise in demand for these types of spaces, we have transformed our custom padding department to not only handle the increased volume of requests but have also invested in research and partnerships that aid us in ensuring they are as safe and welcoming as possible.

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    Topics: Custom Padding, Wall Padding, Padded Rooms

    An Outdoor-Themed Calming Room for an Ontario High School

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Oct 17, 2019 5:24:52 AM


    Working closely once again with our partners at Avron Canada, we completed an incredibly important job which began in late summer.  Keeping with the rising trend of creating inclusive and safe spaces for children with special needs or for those who simply need reprieve from time to time, our attention turned to one school that wanted desperately to make a difference for one of their students.

    The school was home to one student that for reasons unknown, would become incredibly self-abusive. While the school did have a small “safe” room, it was quite small and was not set up to accommodate him.

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    Topics: Wall Padding, Padded Rooms

    A Complete Sensory Room for Woodview Mental Health & Autism Service

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Sep 24, 2019 5:31:17 AM



    Located in the western region of the Greater Toronto Area, Woodview Mental Health & Autism Services offers a number of services for children and youth facing mental health challenges and for those diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

    Originally known as St. Mary’s Asylum for girls and Mount St. Joseph for boys, the history of the facility dates back to 1853 and only officially became known as Woodview in the late 1970s. While a number of changes have taken place over the years, the goal remains the same today at Woodview, which has expanded to multiple locations providing community-based programs in the Burlington, Brantford, Halton and Hamilton regions.

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    Topics: Custom Padding, Wall Padding, Padded Rooms

    Sport Systems Provides Custom Calming Room Padding for Another Ontario School

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Sep 17, 2019 4:00:00 AM


    Many school boards across both Canada and the United States are recognizing their responsibility to provide safe and supportive learning and working environments for all faculty members and students. Often referred to as calming rooms, de-escalation rooms, quiet areas, calming rooms or sensory rooms, these spaces are based on the concept of reducing both environmental and physical triggers as a coping strategy for those experiencing heightened or depressed states of arousal. Outside of educational facilities, these spaces are common in residences, therapeutic clinics and a variety of other healthcare facilities.

    Ensuring that the use of these types of rooms and facilities are not used as punishment or seclusion, the use of these rooms is becoming more regulated by guidelines set out by school boards and other governing bodies.

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    Topics: Custom Padding, Wall Padding, Padded Rooms

    A Sensory Calming Room for Sir John A McDonald School

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Jul 3, 2019 4:00:00 AM


    Used to create an environment completely removed from outside distractions, sensory rooms have been proven to help students in schools across North America since becoming widely used over the past decade or so.

    Used in other facilities such as special needs centres, respite centres, old age residences and a number of other locations, their effectiveness in the educational sector has provided students of all ages with a quick escape when required and are complete with both audio and visual aids to promote relaxation.

    One of our more recent projects was brought to us by the esteemed team at Avron Distribution. As a leading supplier for a wide range of educational, multi-sensory resources intended for all ages and abilities, Avron has grown to be one of the most recognized suppliers in the industry. Their permanent and mobile solutions have helped promote learning, cognitive ability and physical development since the company’s inception in 1994.

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    Topics: Custom Padding, Padded Rooms

    Creating Safe Rooms for a Number of Southern Ontario Schools

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Apr 10, 2019 6:06:44 AM


    As the topic of mental health continues to gain steam here in North America, schools across Canada and the United States are turning to safe rooms to help children deal with every day stress. While in some isolated cases, these rooms have come under fire because of blatant misuse by staff, the research suggests that when used properly, they are proven to calm students down in a safe and controlled manner.

    While also used in a variety of other industries, schools in particular have taken notice of the advantages and importance of creating and constructing these types of spaces for their students.

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    Topics: Custom Padding, Padded Rooms

    A Completely Padded Quiet Room for Cairine Wilson Secondary School

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Nov 13, 2018 4:00:00 AM


    Designed to offer students a place completely void of outside distractions, quiet rooms, sensory rooms and de-escalation rooms are now commonplace in many academic institutions across Canada and the United States.

    Depending on their exact purpose, these types of rooms can be outfitted with equipment used to help stimulate the senses or can have nothing at all and simply serve as a quiet place for students who simply need some time alone. Constructed entirely using our custom padding department, these rooms often feature wall padding including custom cut-outs, door padding and customized floor padding to ensure the environment is also a safe one for those who use them.

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    Topics: Custom Padding, Wall Padding, Padded Rooms

    A Padded Room for Spring Harbor Hospital in Maine

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Jul 11, 2018 4:00:00 AM


    One of our recent projects landed us in coastal New England, home of chowder, warm hospitality and some of the world’s most formidable sports franchises. While the region spans a total of six diverse U.S. states, this project took place in the picturesque state of Maine.

    Located in Westbrook, a suburb of Portland, is the Spring Harbor Hospital, a 100-bed non-profit psychiatric hospital offering services for both children and adults.

    Part of Maine Behavioral Healthcare, the facility has three adult units totalling 60 beds, a child unit with 14 beds, an adolescent unit with 14 beds and a 12-bed unit for patients with developmental disorders.

    After some unfortunate water damage to certain areas of the hospital, the facility was undergoing some fairly heavy-duty renovations. During the process, stakeholders from within the organization got in contact with members of our team in search of fire-rated wall padding for one of the rooms in the hospital.

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    Topics: Custom Padding, Wall Padding, Padded Rooms

    New Wall Padding for Village Babies Childcare Center

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Dec 13, 2017 6:04:16 AM


    As one of New York City’s largest commuter towns, the need for a quality childcare facility in South Orange, New Jersey is something Dana Kearney noticed early on. Beginning with a babysitting service operated from her home, Kearney used her fifteen years of nursing experience to provide the best care possible for her children and the children of others in the community.

    As her business grew over the years, she outgrew her small home-based business, registered an LLC and created what is now known as Village Babies Development Center. With a spacious facility, Kearney’s business now offers not only care to children between the ages of six weeks and five years of age, but a variety of learning programs for children in each age category.

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    Topics: Wall Padding, Padded Rooms

    Custom Padding for a Residential Time-Out Room

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Mar 21, 2017 5:08:09 AM


    While we typically service the industrial and institutional markets, oftentimes we lend our prowess to the residential crowd where and when possible.  From installing indoor or outdoor basketball systems, barrier netting projects, or providing hockey goals for backyard rinks, our products are used around the home more than most think.

    One such area in which we provide a great deal of coverage for the residential market is within our custom padding department.  Due to the wide variety of uses and specific needs, we are seeing a much higher volume of residential padding projects coming into our facility.

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    Topics: Custom Padding, Wall Padding, Padded Rooms