Ryan Wilby

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    Waukesha South High School Receives New Indoor Pool Bleachers

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Apr 26, 2022 4:27:47 PM

    Waukesha South High School Banner 1-01

    Kryptonite is to Superman as rust is to metal. The strength and integrity of metal can be compromised if not regularly maintained. Many have learned this lesson the hard way, with their kitchen knives or vehicles, once the oxidation process has accelerated beyond repair. Addressing the frustrations of rusted equipment, Waukesha South High School reached out to the Carroll Seating Company to replace the corroded indoor bleachers located in their pool room.

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    Topics: Bleachers, Pool Bleachers

    Continuing Community Support: The Nick Smith Centre Receives New Gym Divider Curtains

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Apr 19, 2022 2:21:59 PM

    Arnprior_Blog Banner 1-01

    Over the years, the advances in technology and communications in an increasingly globalized world have allowed networks and communities to be created, despite the geographical distances that might physically separate us. Today’s technology has eliminated the need for in-person interactions, widening the scope for interconnectedness outside one’s community, and even within it. Although technology can facilitate ways to find others with shared interests and values, the lack of face-to-face interaction can cause many to feel disconnected within their own communities. Appreciating the advantages technology can provide, the Town of Arnprior also understands the importance of in-person interaction amongst its residents. As Arnprior’s recreational hub, the Nick Smith Centre has proven to be an extremely important resource for its community.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    Start Small and Get Rolling: Providing Horton Middle School with New Outdoor Bleachers

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Apr 12, 2022 11:36:56 AM


    Originally manufacturing and selling basketball systems exclusively, Sport Systems has since branched out with additional products, including our top-of-the-line bleachers. Throughout the years, many of our bleacher systems have been produced for indoor basketball courts, combining our company’s initial focus with our expanding product line. The versatility of our bleachers has allowed for further growth, most recently demonstrated with a request to participate in a project at an outdoor soccer field in North Carolina.

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    Topics: Bleachers

    Sport Systems Provides Lincoln Southeast High School with New Telescopic Bleachers

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Apr 5, 2022 2:51:12 PM

    LSE Blog Banner 3-01

    From the small town of Springfield to the city of Omaha, Sport Systems is privileged to work throughout the great state of Nebraska. While this part of the United States is often overlooked, the simplicity and comfort found in the Midwest makes Nebraska an appealing destination. More specifically, the city of Lincoln, including Lincoln Public Schools, provides the ideal environment for raising a family. As with many projects in this part of the country, we were proud to, once again, partner with the team at Crouch Recreation. Having worked together on a number of other projects in the great state of Nebraska, this is yet another example of the power and skill behind our dealer network.

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    Topics: Bleachers

    Sport Systems Teams Up with LaPlante Builders Ltd to Provide New Gym Divider Curtains

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Mar 29, 2022 11:00:00 AM

    Sainte Anne St George Combo Banner-01

    Diverse societies can help us grow in our world perspective and offer us new insight and experiences. We can use these opportunities to grow and diversify, creating inclusive and cooperative communities. Similarly, finding common ground with related interests and objectives
    can create successful business partnerships and foster valuable progress and development in
    our communities. This joining of forces with common objectives and skillsets to create something meaningful for two different communities was demonstrated with Sport Systems’ experience in collaborating with LaPlante Builders Ltd.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    Sport Systems Provides New Boundary Padding for the Baltimore Ravens

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Mar 15, 2022 10:20:47 AM

    Ravens Blog Banner-01

    The United States is one of the biggest contributors to the worldwide entertainment industry. Famous for producing films in Hollywood, world-renowned country music in Nashville, and serving as the home of Walt Disney World in Orlando, the American entertainment industry caters to a variety of interests. One of the most popular forms of amusement in the US is sports — more specifically, the National Football League (NFL).

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    Topics: Custom Padding

    New Wall Padding for a Church Gymnasium

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Mar 8, 2022 2:37:08 PM

    Heartland Church Banner 1-01

    We’ve always said, our strength as a company is as good as the people with whom we work. While most might think this refers to our immediate colleagues and co-workers, for us, it goes well
    beyond that.

    We have partners. A wide network of them. They include those that work in our front office, in our manufacturing facility, our suppliers and our trusted network of dealers spanning the globe.

    As an organization, onboarding new partners of any kind is not something we take lightly. When it comes to expanding our global footprint, we carefully select those who exhibit a set of shared values on which we have built this company for the past 40 years.

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    Topics: Custom Padding, Wall Padding

    BGC Durham Receives New Divider Curtains

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Mar 2, 2022 9:46:38 AM

    BGC Durham Banner 1-01

    While every child and teen is unique, they share the same need for proper physical, emotional, and intellectual development. Furthermore, they need access to the resources that can help encourage these different areas of growth. When built upon a strong foundation, the unique personalities and talents of each child and teen are then able to flourish. Valuing the unique contributions that the youngest generation has to offer society, BGC Durham is committed to equipping students with the resources needed to develop critical life skills. Located in Oshawa, Ontario, BGC Durham has been making a difference in its community since the early 1960s (“History”). The benefits that BGC Durham’s programs offer are invaluable, helping to fulfill a variety of needs through its alignment with the standards of the HIGH FIVE organization. As a result of this, the curriculums and programs that BGC Durham offers emphasize the importance of “a caring leader,” “friends,” “participation,” “play,” and “mastery” (“HIGH FIVE”). Regardless of what type of work a graduating high school student chooses to pursue, the skills that they develop at BGC Durham are applicable in any environment.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

    For the Love of Farming: Napan Agricultural Show Receives New Bleachers

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Feb 22, 2022 12:27:03 PM

    Napan 2-01

    Since the beginning of agricultural communities, farming has served as the foundation of every society. With farmers meeting the practical needs of each community, the remaining members are able to put forth their efforts in advancing realms such as medicine, technology, politics, and education. However, the present appeal of farming has surpassed its practicality; this industry continues to gain attraction due to the lifestyle that surrounds it. In towns such as Napan, New Brunswick, a sense of pride lends itself to those working within the agricultural industry.

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    Topics: Bleachers

    Landmark Strength Receives New Motorized Centre-Drive Curtains

    Posted by Ryan Wilby

    Feb 15, 2022 12:24:36 PM

    Landmark Strength 2-01For most, maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes increasingly difficult with age. For school-aged children and teens, gym-class participation is enforced and competitive sports are highly encouraged. However, the transition from youth to adulthood is often accompanied by increased
    responsibility, a decreased amount of free time, and less accountability surrounding one’s fitness. Addressing the need for accountability and instruction, Landmark Strength has capitalized on the increasing popularity of CrossFit programs.

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    Topics: Gym Divider Curtains

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