While every child and teen is unique, they share the same need for proper physical, emotional, and intellectual development. Furthermore, they need access to the resources that can help encourage these different areas of growth. When built upon a strong foundation, the unique personalities and talents of each child and teen are then able to flourish. Valuing the unique contributions that the youngest generation has to offer society, BGC Durham is committed to equipping students with the resources needed to develop critical life skills. Located in Oshawa, Ontario, BGC Durham has been making a difference in its community since the early 1960s (“History”). The benefits that BGC Durham’s programs offer are invaluable, helping to fulfill a variety of needs through its alignment with the standards of the HIGH FIVE organization. As a result of this, the curriculums and programs that BGC Durham offers emphasize the importance of “a caring leader,” “friends,” “participation,” “play,” and “mastery” (“HIGH FIVE”). Regardless of what type of work a graduating high school student chooses to pursue, the skills that they develop at BGC Durham are applicable in any environment.